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  • Characteristics of polypropylene thread[2017/2/8]
    Polypropylene fiber line, close to the flame that is melting, flammable, burning slowly from the fire and black smoke, flame top yellow, blue bottom, emitting a taste of oil, burned ashes for hard round light brown parti......
    Polypropylene some of the little common sense and [2016/12/29]
    Polypropylene is the smallest of the total relative density of all synthetic fibers, so it is the lightest weight, the unit weight of the fiber can cover the largest area. Its strength and high strength varieties of synt......
    Polypropylene high-strength wire has the advantage[2016/12/8]
    Polypropylene high-strength wire in our lives play a very important role, each product is a different use, play a different effect, the following, we come to understand what the advantages of polypropylene high-strength ......
    Four Methods to Identify the Quality of High - str[2016/12/1]
    A: high-strength polypropylene fiber performance: high-quality polypropylene high-strength silk from the original polypropylene raw materials combined with a special compound made of low-quality high-strength polypropyle......
    High - strength polypropylene fiber performance is[2016/11/24]
    Our company operating a variety of chemical fiber products, high-strength polypropylene fiber is our company mainly engaged in a product, then, I took everyone to look at some of its information.    &......
    Some common sense of polypropylene and washing met[2016/10/27]
    Polypropylene is the smallest of the total relative density of all synthetic fibers, so it is the lightest weight, the unit weight of the fiber can cover the largest area. Its strength and high strength varieties of synt......
    High - strength work of polypropylene fiber[2016/10/20]
    Polypropylene fiber is a high-strength industrial production and construction of which a very high rate of use of a product, it may be the name of many people will feel strange, but you may be using it, we as a professio......
    Determine the "thirteen five direction[2016/9/29]
    Jiangsu Province by the letter issued a few days ago, "Jiangsu Province," 13th Five-Year "Enterprise Technology Progress Plan" to determine the petrochemical industry in this period of technology development. According ......
    Polypropylene high-strength wire[2016/9/22]
    Polypropylene high-strength wire and high-strength polypropylene fiber is actually a reason, more suitable for industrial, tell you today small high-strength polypropylene silk broad future applications:   Pol......
    Washed polypropylene high-strength wire Note![2016/9/8]
    Polypropylene high-strength synthetic fiber yarn is the total of all the relative density of the smallest species, the maximum area of the quality of its lightest unit weight of the fiber can be covered. Its strength and......
    High-strength fiber wire[2016/8/25]
    The concept of high-strength polypropylene fiber is very strange for most people, but everyone in life may have encountered. It is a corrosion-resistant filaments a special material made of propylene processed. High-str......
    High-strength polypropylene fiber composite made [2016/8/18]
    High-strength polypropylene fiber composite made of high quality polypropylene fiber grade virgin raw materials and special additives made; and often of poor quality fiber composite made with aid from the powder or recyc......
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