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[High-strength polypropylene fiber composite made ]
Release date:[2016/8/18] Read a total of[1191]time

High-strength polypropylene fiber composite made of high quality polypropylene fiber grade virgin raw materials and special additives made; and often of poor quality fiber composite made with aid from the powder or recycled materials and general textiles. So how should we identify strengths and weaknesses of the high-strength fiber wire it?
1. Comparison of high-strength polypropylene yarn visual method: high-quality fiber, the length of the neat, uniform thickness, color and light pale light. And less silk, silk pulp, coarse silk, silk, silk oil, silk and clumping or no impurities are of high quality; opposite inferior person.
High-strength polypropylene fiber 2. Comparative water bath method: 500ml water into two cups, the same specifications were added to 0.4g of fiber, stirring after 10 seconds, observe and quality are evenly dispersed and suspended in water; inferior to those who can not be uniformly dispersed or slug, tufted suspended in water or underwater.
3. The high-strength fiber silk smell identification method: high-quality fiber: green, tasteless non-irritating; poor quality fiber: pollution, Sauvignon strong irritant.
4. The high-strength polypropylene fiber moisture removal method: some poor-quality high-strength polypropylene yarn contains water, dried by drying or method can measure its water content, although the low price of the fiber, but contains in selling water. Suppose a moisture content of 5%, then 1 kg fiber containing moisture in fact only 95% of the fiber, and the fiber price will be 1.05 times the original price.
5. The high-strength polypropylene fiber sunlight irradiation: low-grade high-strength polypropylene yarn, due to lower costs, did not go through UV treatment, and high-strength polypropylene fiber in the sunlight next year or two will lose strength, the poor quality of high-strength polypropylene fiber in concrete long-term is difficult to play its role. As long as the sampling at the site, after a long time the sun Ye Lu, and the tensile strength can detect the difference.

High-strength polypropylene fiber where the good, the preferred transport Changzhou Chemical Fiber!

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