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[High-strength fiber wire]
Release date:[2016/8/25] Read a total of[1163]time

The concept of high-strength polypropylene fiber is very strange for most people, but everyone in life may have encountered. It is a corrosion-resistant filaments a special material made of propylene processed.

High-strength polypropylene fiber using a comprehensive brushed polypropylene, the benefits of this material is non-absorbent, and durable, corrosion-resistant, very wide range of applications. Now on the market of high-strength polypropylene fiber production is mainly used for ropes, nets and so on as well as light industry. But with a little digging people continue to be high-strength polypropylene yarn, after some technical means of processing high-strength polypropylene yarn also can be made into filters, clothes and raw materials, which are very convenient. Its low cost, but very useful indeed more. In addition, there is a high-strength polypropylene yarn magical advantage is its poor water absorption, can be more precise to say that high-strength polypropylene fiber does not absorb water, it is not easy to be damaged by moisture.

High-strength polypropylene fiber is a very characteristic of the material, precisely because it has so many advantages, it can go beyond the traditional high-strength polypropylene yarn.

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