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[Washed polypropylene high-strength wire Note!]
Release date:[2016/9/8] Read a total of[1179]time

Polypropylene high-strength synthetic fiber yarn is the total of all the relative density of the smallest species, the maximum area of the quality of its lightest unit weight of the fiber can be covered. Its strength and high-strength synthetic fiber varieties of polyester, nylon similar, but when wet strength does not change, it is better than nylon. But its resistance level of wear resistance second only to nylon, somewhat less wear resistant song of inorganic acids, bases have remarkable stability. Good elasticity, hygroscopicity, small fabric shrinkage. Has excellent electrical insulating properties and mechanical properties, a large number of industrially used to make rope, packaging materials, fishing nets, parachutes and so on. Of course, high-strength polypropylene yarn has its shortcomings, poor light, poor dyeability, static large, flame resistance is poor, difficult to dye.

Production of high-strength polypropylene fiber silk production of polypropylene high-strength polypropylene yarn made by solution polymerization method. Its thermal decomposition temperature of 350 ~ 380C, a melting point of 150 ~ 176C, so the use of soft spinning.

Washed silk Polypropylene high-strength polypropylene material when high-strength wire can not be washed in boiling water immersion, not dry, a wash will be stiff.

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