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[High - strength polypropylene fiber performance is]
Release date:[2016/11/24] Read a total of[1359]time
Our company operating a variety of chemical fiber products, high-strength polypropylene fiber is our company mainly engaged in a product, then, I took everyone to look at some of its information.
     Polypropylene high strength filament has been treated to improve the mechanical, physical and appearance properties of the fiber, so as to improve the resilience and cohesion, soft to the touch, shrinkage is small, and easy to wash, quick-drying effect, good corrosion resistance. It is suitable for highway, railway, airport, seawall, ditch, reservoir, harbor and bridge project. It has the advantages of fast speed, high work efficiency, no investment, no interruption, no cofferdam and damming. High strength, non-absorbent, light weight, good stability, good separation of filter material, etc., can be made of it, mainly used in metallurgy, mineral processing, chemical industry, chemical industry, Light industry, food, environmental protection and other industries. It has been in the luggage ribbons and polypropylene market is widely used. It is widely used in weaving geotextile, filter cloth, packing bag cloth, canvas, paper bag and so on because of its high strength, anti-aging, acid and alkali resistance, seawater corrosion resistance, abrasion resistance, light weight, low thermal conductivity and non-hygroscopicity. Canvas, fire hose, seat belts, fence, industrial sewing thread, ship rope, concrete crack and other fields, is a new polyester and nylon fiber materials. Including short fibers, filaments and split film fibers. It is made of polypropylene film, and then the film is stretched, it split into fibrils formed by the network and the system. It is widely used in the manufacture of industrial fabrics, non-woven fabrics. Such as carpets, industrial fabrics, ropes, fishing nets, building materials, oil-absorbing blankets and decorative fabrics. In the civilian area, polypropylene can be pure spinning or with wool, cotton or viscose fiber blending to produce all kinds of clothing. In addition, it can be used as a packaging material. It is from propylene as raw material by polymerization, melt spinning fiber. It began in 1957, industrial production, is a rising star of synthetic fibers. Because of its production process is simple, inexpensive products, high strength, the relative density of light, etc., so it developed rapidly. At present it is the fourth largest synthetic fiber varieties.
      Well, this is what we bring you the details, and do not know your high-strength polypropylene wire is not have their own understanding and understanding of it? Our company's products, quality assurance, is your a good choice, and look forward to your next step of cooperation and look forward to your arrival.
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