National Hotline 0086-519-83807268
[Polypropylene high-strength wire has the advantage]
Release date:[2016/12/8] Read a total of[1423]time

Polypropylene high-strength wire in our lives play a very important role, each product is a different use, play a different effect, the following, we come to understand what the advantages of polypropylene high-strength wire has the characteristics of it.

  The product can be in the luggage belt market is widely used. It has a very good high strength, anti-aging and wear-resistant, acid and other advantages of the characteristics, and its relatively light quality, a large number of applications in woven geotextiles, bags and fire hose, seat belts and other fields , Can completely replace the new polyester fiber materials. It is widely used in metallurgy, chemical, light industry, environmental protection and food industries, has a very good non-absorbent and stable performance. Is worth your purchase of a new type of chemical fiber products.

  Today, the high-strength polypropylene wire on the details of the introduction to here, and its performance I will not explain them one by one, and if you need, you can call our hotline, we Changzhou Chemical Fiber Material Co., Ltd. Yun Cheng The staff will give you negotiate, and look forward to your cooperation, I wish you a happy work.

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