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[About large chemical fiber, chemical fiber, small ]
Release date:[2017/7/21] Read a total of[970]time

Chemical Fiber: Chemical FIBER

    With PET slices spinning or melt direct spinning of short fibers, features, good color, batch number large, strong and stable, less defects, good spinnability.

    Small chemical fiber: SMALL CHEMICAL FIBER

    With PET back spinning, the price and quality of the uneven, suitable for national conditions, and exports to some of the quality requirements are not too high in the market and areas (such as fillers, etc.)

    Same point:

    "Large chemical fiber", "chemical fiber" and "small chemical fiber"

    First of all, this is the market of popular saying, not necessarily have an accurate definition.

    All of these are for polyester staple fibers (polyester staple fibers), and other chemical fiber products are not yet included.

    The difference is:

    simply put:

    "Large chemical fiber" general large-scale chemical fiber enterprises with good quality of the direct production of the fiber, the process is more advanced, more equipment for imports, product quality indicators ideal, and stable, spinning performance is relatively high.

    On the contrary, many small chemical fiber on the market in the production of Coke bottles and other recycled raw materials produced by the slices, while the process is relatively backward, mostly domestic equipment, fiber quality was significantly affected, but the cost is much lower than the large chemical fiber, some quality requirements Not high yarn can be mixed with some small chemical fiber.

    1. "Large chemical fiber" products refer to the use of relatively sophisticated imported and domestic production equipment, the use of polyester melt direct spinning method or polyester chip indirect spinning method and the spinning of polyester staple fiber. As the "big chemical fiber" products are basically used to qualify the grade of raw materials, and therefore its regular product quality indicators are superior. "Large chemical fiber" polyester staple fiber is the cotton textile industry leading raw materials. "Large chemical fiber" production equipment is to eat "fine grain" equipment.

    2. "Chemical fiber" products and "small chemical fiber" production equipment used by the vast majority of domestic small chemical fiber plant production. This type of production equipment, whether in size or in quality and the "big chemical fiber" used in the production equipment have a greater distance, so the use of such equipment produced products and "large chemical fiber" produced by the product also has obvious Quality difference.

    Because of this, the "chemical fiber" and "small chemical fiber" equipment generally use other polyester chips and recycled after the treatment of polyester bottles, bubble material as polyester staple fiber raw materials. "Chemical fiber" and "small chemical fiber" production equipment is to eat "coarse grains" equipment.

    3. "Chemical fiber" and "small chemical fiber" The equipment used is basically the same.

    Their main difference is that the "chemical fiber" is generally used in the production of regular polyester chip production and other products and a good deal with foreign imports of polyester recycling bottle.

    The "small chemical fiber" is basically the use of raw materials is the recovery of polyester bottles, polyester recycling waste and waste, polyester foam and so on.

    Due to differences in production equipment investment, raw material price differences and product quality differences, from the current price, under normal circumstances, "large chemical fiber" polyester staple fiber products and "chemical fiber" polyester staple fiber products difference of 2,000 yuan / Ton, "in the chemical fiber" polyester staple fiber products and "small chemical fiber" polyester staple fiber products difference of 1,000 yuan / ton up and down.

    Product Usage

    "Large chemical fiber" product application surface is relatively wide.

    "Chemical fiber" products in some applications can replace the "big chemical fiber" products used, so as to provide a larger profit margins for downstream products.

    "Small chemical fiber" products are generally used in the field of short fiber quality is not demanding, the production of lower grades of products (more than 30s thicker yarn, spray rubber and filler materials, etc.).

    "Chemical fiber" and "small chemical fiber" polyester staple fiber products due to relatively small investment in equipment, raw materials prices are relatively low, and in some areas of application can replace the "big chemical fiber" products, and thus have a larger profit margins, Product manufacturers welcome.

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