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[High-strength polypropylene wire for cable advanta]
Release date:[2017/9/7] Read a total of[986]time

In recent years, with the continuous progress of contemporary industrial technology and industrial areas of the continuous extension of the textile, high-strength polypropylene fiber is also due to its unique economic factors and performance factors in the following industrial areas to be widely used:

High-strength polypropylene fiber in addition to the density of small, non-hygroscopic, wet and dry strength, but also with the impact of instantaneous high stress impact performance. Use this feature, especially suitable for rope. If the cable can float on the surface, and the surface does not touch the water, easy to operate the crew.
At present, to the Antarctic and Arctic vessels, all with polypropylene for cable. The United States for the ship's cable consumption of polypropylene has reached 20,000 t.China's current cable is mainly used polypropylene and polyethylene film split fiber and monofilament production, low cost. But the service life is shorter.
The high tensile strength and impact strength of high-strength polypropylene yarns make it one of the most competitive products in the industry. Its flexibility, chemical resistance and economy also show that it is more suitable for industrial applications. Good prospects. At present, foreign high-strength polypropylene fiber has been widely used in industrial areas, the domestic production of some high-strength polypropylene silk products are more popular.

Choose high-quality high-strength polypropylene fiber, admitted to Changzhou into a chemical fiber materials Co., Ltd.!

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