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[On the Physical Properties of Polypropylene High S]
Release date:[2017/9/28] Read a total of[1044]time

On the physical properties of polypropylene high strength wire:

The biggest advantage of polypropylene high strength wire is the texture of light, its density is only 0.91g / cm3 is the most common chemical fiber density of the lightest varieties, so the same weight of high-strength polypropylene fiber can be higher than other fibers get the coverage area.

Polypropylene high strength wire of high strength, elongation, the initial modulus is higher, excellent flexibility. So good wear resistance of polypropylene. In addition, the high-strength polypropylene fiber wet strength is basically equal to dry strong, so it is the production of fishing nets, the ideal cable material.

High strength and good moisture resistance, in addition to concentrated nitric acid, concentrated caustic soda, the polypropylene on the acid and alkali Resistance to good performance, it is suitable for use as filter material and packaging materials; poor light resistance, thermal stability is also poor, easy to aging, intolerant ironing. But can be added by adding anti-aging agent in the spinning, to improve its anti-aging properties. In addition, the electrical insulation of polypropylene is good, but it is easy to produce static electricity during processing. As the thermal conductivity is small, good warmth.

Polypropylene high strength wire after the nylon, but the price is only nylon 1/3; made fabric size and stability, wear elasticity is also good, good chemical stability. But the thermal stability is poor, intolerant to the sun, easy to aging fragile, this is often added in the anti-aging agent in polypropylene.

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