National Hotline 0086-519-83807268
[Deepening the Integration of School and Enterprise]
Release date:[2017/10/17] Read a total of[964]time

September 24,25, organized by the Changzhou City Federation of Trade Unions held in Jiangsu Province, textile enterprises workers, vocational college students vocational skills contest, held in Changzhou Textile and Apparel Vocational and Technical College.

From Jiangsu Province, 22 textile enterprises, five vocational institutions, a total of 44 players participated in the weaving workers vocational skills contest.

With reference to such a blue and white cotton samples, the contestants need to weave the same cloth.

"Assessment of the two core skills, one is to sample the analysis of skills, there is a machine on the production capacity." Competition judges, Changzhou Textile and Garment Vocational and Technical College, said Tao Lizhen, president of Textile College.

Competition scene, Changzhou Textile Association team player Lu Ying, after the calculation, find out the order of the yarn and the color distribution of the law, ready to operate on the weaving machine.

"Blue line to the whole of 100, it is about 1 meter lap, woven out about 50 cm cloth, it is estimated that woven 15 cm is enough, the whole 10 or so." Changzhou Textile Museum modern textile Professional students Lu Ying analysis Road.

In the enterprise, the weaver is also known as the proofing, proofing the key skills, is to correctly analyze and reproduce the original fabric color and level. Only weaving workers to shoot the sample by the customer after the audit, in order to mass production, skilled weaving workers in the textile industry in short supply.

"Competition is also a talent selection, each weaving factory needs such a type of work, we have to cultivate skills, knowledge-based workforce." Jiangsu Textile Industry Association, vice president Han Ping told reporters.

Changzhou Textile and Garment Vocational and Technical College Dean Jiang Xinya that the depth of school-enterprise integration is the direction of running higher vocational colleges, so seamlessly with the enterprise to enhance the ability of students to improve their job satisfaction.

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