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[Japan, South Korea gathered in Osaka textile indus]
Release date:[2017/11/17] Read a total of[2692]time

November 16, the Seventh Japan-South Korea Fiber Industry Cooperation Conference held in Osaka, Japan. Gao Yong, secretary and secretary general of China National Textile and Apparel Council, president of Japan Federation of Fibers Industry, Masayuki Kamahara, President of Korea Federation of Fiber Industry headed the delegates of nearly 100 representatives from China, Japan and Korea.

On behalf of China, Gao Yong addressed the opening ceremony of the General Assembly. The Japan-South Korea Fiber Industry Conference has lasted for seven years and has been deepening exchanges on the key issues and cooperation topics of the textile and garment industry in the three countries, playing a bridge role in promoting the cooperation and development of the textile industry in the three countries. Under the "new normal," China's textile industry has actively promoted restructuring, readjusting its structure and opening new doors to innovation and steady progress. Under the new era, the new localization of China's textile industry marked by "technology, fashion and greenness" has brought new opportunities for the future cooperation of the three countries in the textile industry.

This session will focus on the current situation of the textile industry in the three countries, the four free trade agreements of China, Japan and South Korea, the textile environment and product safety, fashion and science and technology to exchange views, deepen the discussion of existing issues and open up new perspectives. The representatives of the three countries are full of confidence in this meeting and look forward to contributing to the rich and pragmatic meeting outcome.

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