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[China's textile exports to regain growth, you know]
Release date:[2018/2/7] Read a total of[1059]time

In 2017, under the background of global economic recovery and recovery and under the domestic policy of steady growth of foreign trade, with the joint efforts of all textile workers, China's textile and clothing industry achieved remarkable results with remarkable results in industrial upgrading and upgrading. Growth and maintain a steady development trend, export competitiveness further improved.

In 2017, the total volume of China's textile and apparel trade reached 293.1 billion U.S. dollars, up 1.2% over the same period of last year. Among them, the export volume was 268.6 billion U.S. dollars, up by 0.8%, the import was 24.55 billion U.S. dollars, up 5.3%, and the cumulative trade surplus was 244.05 billion U.S. dollars, up 0.4%.

In December 2017, the trade volume of China's textiles and garments was 21.68 billion U.S. dollars, up 2.2% over the same period of last year. Among them, the export was 240.2 billion U.S. dollars, up by 2.5%, the import was 2.16 billion U.S. dollars, down by 1.6% and the monthly trade surplus was 21.86 billion U.S. dollars, up by 2.9%.

It is expected that the overall textile and garment trade in China will remain stable in 2018 with slight fluctuations. As the base figure increased in 2017, the export volume of the whole year remained flat or slightly increased while the import volume continued to grow.

Foreign trade has been steadily improving

Import and export throughout the year are double

Under the combined effect of the recovery of global economic recovery from external demand, the continuous improvement of the domestic economy and the low base of the same period of last year, the foreign trade in Chinese textile and apparel has always been the word "steady" in 2017. In the second half of the year, in particular, exports have remained steady for more than a month, A slight increase in the fourth quarter increased by 3.7%, making the full year export after two consecutive years of decline, finally set aside to see the moon, again to achieve growth.

Under the dual engine upgrade of quantity and price, imports reversed the decline for three consecutive years and achieved rapid growth.




The trade structure tends to be more reasonable

Concentration of foreign trade increased significantly

From the perspective of trade and export enterprises, there are 3 further optimized features in 2017.

First, the trade structure is more reasonable. General trade exports reflecting the capability of independent development of foreign trade accounted for 76.4% of the total, maintaining a 3/4 share. The export of "other trade" dominated by market purchases further highlighted that the proportion rose to 6.9%. General trade exports edged down 0.4% while other trade exports increased 16.6%, driving the overall export growth.

Second, the business structure to further optimize. Private enterprises accumulatively exported 187.55 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for a record high of 70% and an increase of 3% in export value, becoming the only driving force for boosting the overall export growth and a stronger endogenous momentum for the development of foreign trade. Exports of state-owned enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises decreased by 3.6% and 4.4% respectively.

Third, the concentration of foreign trade to further enhance. A mere 0.7% of the large exporters and large enterprises (with exports over 50 million U.S. dollars) contributed 30% of exports. Constant strong Hengda trend is gradually formed.

In 2016, the outstanding integrated service platform for foreign trade, which had been outstanding in 2016, saw a dramatic decrease in the number of "one-pass-through" enterprises in 2017 and a rapid decrease in the export of "one-pass" enterprises. In particular, the rankings of "one-pass" enterprises in Shandong and Fujian Province dropped sharply. Most of the top 10 exporters returned to textile and apparel production or foreign trade companies.






Key market share declined

Decline rate slowed down significantly

From the data point of view, the trend that China's share in the Japanese market continues to decline has not changed, but the rate of industrial relocation has slowed significantly from the previous few years. From January to November 2017, the share of Chinese products in the Japanese market was 60.9%, down 0.9 percentage points from the same period of last year, and the rate of decline obviously slowed down. Enterprises also have the same feeling. According to the main export enterprises in Japan, the current Japanese market is further improved relative to other markets. In particular, sales of medium and high grade products in Japan are able to achieve steady growth. In the meantime, the declining rate of market share in the EU also slowed down from January to October, with a share of 34.2%, down only 0.4 percentage point from the same period of last year. Relatively speaking, the share of China's products in the United States market changes the least, from 2011 to 2017, the cumulative decline of 2.5 percentage points, far better than the EU and Japan.

The structure of export goods has improved

The price decline has not changed

After the "12th Five-Year" and "13th Five-Year" continuous industrial restructuring and transformation and upgrading, the textile and garment export commodities structure gradually improved. In 2017, the share of textile exports increased to 41.1%, the apparel dropped to 58.9%, the first time below 60%. Textile exports increased by 4.2% over the same period of previous year, outperforming apparel and apparel by 1.4%. Yarns, fabrics and finished goods exports of the major categories of textiles all increased year-on-year, up by 7.8%, 4.1% and 3.5% respectively respectively, while the total export of apparel and woven clothing in handbags dropped by 2.3%.

From the volume and price index analysis, the index of textile exports was 108.7, the apparel was 105.1, the export price index of textiles was 95.79, and the apparel was 93.8. This shows that the textile and garment exports are still subject to the price decline, export growth still depends mainly on the number of climbs.

Specifically, the export of major categories of goods, yarn and fabrics increased by 5.6% and 8.4% respectively over the same period of previous year while the total exports of knitted and woven garments increased by 2.8% from the same period of last year. Yarn export prices rose 2.1% YoY while fabrics and needle woven garments dropped 4% and 4.9% respectively. The situation of falling export prices has not yet completely reversed.

The eastern region has resumed growth

Xinjiang's export status to upgrade

In 2017, of the traditional export provinces, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shandong achieved a year-on-year increase of 0.9%, 7.4% and 2.3% respectively in textile and apparel. Guangdong and Fujian decreased by 1.9% and 5.1% respectively. By region, the eastern region with exports of nearly 90% recovered by 1.6% overall, with the central and western regions dropping 4.9% and 4.2% respectively year-on-year.

Xinjiang, as the core zone of the Silk Road Economic Belt, has unique geographical advantages and resource endowments. In recent years, with the promotion of industrial investment policies by local governments in the region, Xinjiang has further stepped up the pace of industrial transfer in the coastal areas and achieved double digits for two consecutive years increase. In 2017, it exported 6.37 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 21.7% over the same period of the previous year. The rank in the national export rankings climbed to the seventh place again.


On the EU

The decline in exports was significantly reduced

In 2017, among the major export markets for textile and apparel in China, the exports to the EU only decreased by a total of 48.86 billion U.S. dollars, down 1.1% over the previous year. The decline was significantly smaller than the previous year, mainly due to a decrease of 2.7% in apparel. The textile products Achieve 3.9% growth. The total volume of needle-woven garments in the major categories increased slightly by 0.5% while that of exports by 3.8%.

Brexit is the major event of the EU in recent years. It will take Brexit to enter substantive talks in 2017 and basically determine the specific time and transition period for its departure from Europe. The United Kingdom is an important export market for our textile and apparel, ranking 5th in terms of national rankings. It is the largest market country in the 28 EU countries. In 2017, I exported 10.33 billion U.S. dollars to the United Kingdom, accounting for 4% of the total global exports and 21% of the exports to the EU. In the next two years, as the process of negotiation progresses, Britain will gradually strip its former EU institutional arrangements and formulate and improve its own policies on financial taxation and trade remedies. British Brexit has both advantages and disadvantages for China. However, since the United Kingdom has always advocated the global free trade system, its general guideline for foreign trade is still expected to be based on opening up. It will outweigh any disadvantages to the overall export of China.

According to EU customs statistics, from January to October 2017, the EU imported 109.33 billion U.S. dollars of textile and apparel from the world, up 2.8% from the same period of last year and imported 37.42 billion U.S. dollars from China, up 1.3% over the same period of last year. Imports from ASEAN and Bangladesh increased by 9.9% and 3.4% respectively over the same period of previous year.

To the United States

Textile driven recovery

Dragged down by the sluggish local economy, my exports to the United States decreased for the first time in 20 years in 2016. In 2017, the U.S. economy recovered in a robust manner and all fundamental indicators continued to improve. Exports to the United States resumed growth again. The total annual export of 45.39 billion US dollars, an increase of 1%. The overall export to form a positive pull.

Textile exports 12.39 billion US dollars, an increase of 6%, clothing exports 33 billion US dollars, down 0.8%. Among them, the total export volume of major types of needle-woven garments increased by 2.3% while the export unit price dropped by 4%. Textile finished exports rose 6.9%.

According to U.S. Customs statistics, from January to November 2017, the United States imported 108.43 billion U.S. dollars of textile and apparel from the world, up 0.9% over the same period of last year. Imports from China were 39.42 billion U.S. dollars, a slight decrease of 0.7%. Imports from ASEAN, India and Mexico increased by 2.9% %, 3.9% and 6.2%.


Stimulate the main export growth

As the third largest market for our textile and apparel exports, ASEAN has become the main force driving the growth of overall exports in 2017 with a total export volume of 34.75 billion U.S. dollars, up 4.5% from the same period of previous year and the fastest growth in the four major markets. The total export growth has been 0.6 The positive part of the pull. Textile exports of which 25.69 billion US dollars, an increase of 6.7%, apparel exports 90.6 billion US dollars, down 1.2%. The export of fabrics for major categories increased by 7.1%. The total volume of export of needle-woven garments decreased by 5.9% and the unit price increased by 2.5%. It is the only key market for the increase of garment export prices.

Of the ten ASEAN countries, Vietnam still retains its position as the largest market. In 2017, my export to Vietnam resumed its growth. The annual export volume increased by 8.6% over the same period of last year. It is also worth noting that Vietnam has surpassed India as the largest source of yarn imports since 2016, with the proportion of yarn imports rising rapidly from Vietnam reaching 28% in 2017.

To Japan

To reverse the 4 consecutive years of decline

Exports to Japan reversed the unfavorable situation of 4 consecutive years of decline. Its exports in 2017 were 20.32 billion U.S. dollars, representing a slight increase of 0.05% as compared with the same period of last year. Japan's market gradually stabilized.

Exports to Japan amounted to 4.36 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 3% over the same period of the previous year. Clothing exports reached 15.97 billion U.S. dollars, down 0.7% year-on-year. The total volume of needle-woven garments in major categories increased by 2.6% while the unit price dropped by 3.3%. Japan is still my main export market of high-end products, the average price of garment exports in Europe and America 20% to 30% higher.

According to Japanese customs statistics, from January to November, Japan's textile and garment imports reached 33.64 billion U.S. dollars, up 0.3% over the same period of last year, of which imports from China were 20.47 billion U.S. dollars, down 1.3% and up 5.2% from ASEAN.

For emerging markets

Potential along the "Belt and Road" can be expected

While the developed economies are getting warmer, the markets in developing countries are also gradually recovering. In 2017, I have achieved year-on-year increases in the exports of Africa, Latin America and South Asia. Among them, South Africa increased by 6.3%, Brazil increased by 33.3% and India increased by 3.7%. As the "One Belt and One Road" initiative progressed further, the results gradually showed up. I exported a total of 91.47 billion U.S. dollars to 64 countries along the route, an increase of 2.9% over the same period of last year and the share of exports increased to 34.1%.

The year of 2017 marks the fifth anniversary of the "16 + 1" cooperation between China and Central and Eastern Europe. Over the five years, the trade volume of textile and clothing between China and Central and Eastern Europe has gradually expanded. China's exports have increased by 17.8% and imports have increased by 27.1%. These 16 countries are all countries along the "Belt and Road" and there is still room for further development in the future.


Clothing proportion and enlarge

Textile volume and price rise

With the gradual reduction of tariffs on imports of consumer goods, the value of apparel imports has rapidly risen and the proportion of apparel imports has been gradually enlarged. In 2017, apparel imports reached US $ 7.18 billion, an increase of 9.4% over the same period of previous year, accounting for 29.2% of the total. The main factors contributing to the import of garments were the increase in volume, the index of apparel imports was 115.9 and the import price index was 94.4. Among them, the imports of major categories of needle-woven garments increased by 13.4% over the same period of last year while the average price of imports dropped by 4.3%.

Textile imports 17.38 billion US dollars, an increase of 3.7%, the performance of volume and price soared. Import volume index 100.5, import price index 103.1. Imports of yarn and finished goods of major categories both increased by 6.2% YoY and fabrics by 1.3%. The import and export of cotton yarn of key commodities fluctuated with the rotation of the State Reserve Cotton. During the period when the reserve cotton was delivered, the import volume of foreign yarn dropped sharply. After the reserve cotton round came to an end, the import volume of foreign yarn rebounded. The cumulative import volume increased slightly by 0.6% YoY and the average import price increased by 5.9%.

Cotton imports increased

Import prices have risen

Affected by the deteriorating downstream demand in textile and apparel and cotton spreads at home and abroad, after four consecutive years of sharp decline, China's cotton imports increased again in 2017, with a year-on-year import volume of 1.155 million tons, an increase of 28.8% over the same period of last year. The average price of imports was US $ 1,890 / tonne, up 8.4% over the same period of last year, but still below the level of 2012-2014.

According to the monthly report released by China Cotton Association, the global economy is slowly recovering in 2017. China's national economy has maintained a steady growth with steady growth, and maintained a steady and favorable development momentum. The textile industry has been running smoothly and the cotton demand tends to improve. The structural reform of the agricultural supply side has made new progress. The cotton reserve turnover has been enthusiastic, effectively meeting the demand of textile enterprises and stabilizing the spot price of domestic cotton. The target price reform of cotton in Xinjiang continues to deepen, The price level must be certain for three years. The basic income of Xinjiang cotton farmers is guaranteed and the production continues to be concentrated in Xinjiang. Affected by the clear policies and stable supply and demand, the spot price of cotton in China remained stable in 2017, fluctuating within a narrow range of RMB16,000 / tonne throughout the year. Fluctuations in the international market, both inside and outside the cotton price shocks simultaneously.

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