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[Regarding exchange rate changes]
Release date:[2018/9/14] Read a total of[857]time

In the 30th, the heart has not changed, and the future embraces the future. On September 11, the 30th China International Wool Textile Conference hosted by China Wool Textile Industry Association and China Guotou International Trade Co., Ltd. was held in Nanjing, Jiangsu. The theme of this session is “Building a Community of Destiny in the Woolen Industry”. More than 500 industry representatives from more than 20 countries around the world attended the event to discuss the diversity, diversity and complexity of the wool textile industry, with a view to jointly promoting wool textiles. The industry is sustainable.

Gao Yong of the Party Committee of the China National Textile and Apparel Council, Zhou Xiaoyang, deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Commerce, Sun Huaibin, vice president of the China National Textile and Apparel Council, Wang Wenjun, general manager of China National Investment International Co., Ltd., and honorary chairman of the Jiangsu Textile Industry Association, Xie Ming Liu Jiaqiang, Vice Chairman of China Wool Textile Industry Association, Ke Jiafa, Deputy Director of Nanjing Customs Animal and Plant Supervision Department, Yang Shaoxiong, Chairman of Nanjing Wool Market, Meng Benxi, Agricultural Counselor of Australian Embassy in China, and Delina, Director General of International Wool Textile Organization · White, Chairman of the Australian Wool Organization Alliance David Michel, John Roberts, General Manager of the Eastern Hemisphere Region of the Australian Wool Development Corporation, and heads of customs, business departments and ports from Australia, New Zealand, Uruguay, the United Kingdom, South Africa, etc. The guests attended the meeting.

At present, global wool production is declining and wool products are gradually becoming luxury goods. Under the background of such macro factors, the significance of the China International Wool Textile Conference is more prominent. As an international conference to promote wool globally, the role of the internationalization conference is getting bigger and bigger. The more obvious it is.

In his opening speech, Gao Yong said that since the beginning of this year, due to the trade friction between China and the United States, the uncertainty of the trade environment has increased, and the export pressure of the textile industry has also increased. Faced with the complicated macroeconomic situation, China's wool textile industry should accelerate the development of the industry into a new stage of quality growth and differentiated competition. The construction of ecological civilization promotes the healthy development of the whole industry's production mode in a green and sustainable direction. Faced with the general trend of upgrading industrial production methods, the textile industry is also experiencing a major reshuffle: eliminating backward production methods and establishing a new direction for cleaner production. We will promote the green transformation of traditional production areas, promote the establishment of an industrial system for green and low-carbon recycling development, comprehensively strengthen the support of green science and technology, and accelerate the construction of industrial structures and production methods with high technological content, low resource consumption and low environmental pollution. In the development of new textile materials, new equipment manufacturing, pollution prevention and treatment, the industry needs more kinetic energy, to break through development, improve the digital and intelligent technology level of textile equipment, and become the textile industry to improve labor productivity and product quality stability. Important means. On the other hand, the new model of "Internet + Textile" is also a new road for the development of the textile industry. With the development of science and technology and the arrival of the Internet + era, the future of the textile industry will open up a new pattern. The 30th China International Wool Textile Conference brought together colleagues from home and abroad to exchange information, analyze the market, and research countermeasures. It is of great significance for promoting wool trade and promoting the development of wool textile industry.

"Currently, China's textile industry is at the key node of transformation and upgrading, and the textile output is large, but homogenization, brand aging and lack of innovation ability are the "fuse" for the stagnation of many textile enterprises. The price of wool raw materials has been high for many years. Import costs continue to increase, and in the face of greater trade risks, the profit margin of the wool textile industry is further compressed. China's ecological civilization construction requires enterprises to adhere to the concept of green development, which puts higher demands on the transformation and upgrading of the wool textile industry. Wang Wenjun said that in the face of complex and ever-changing internal and external situations, woolen people should be closely linked, and the transformation and upgrading of the external environment should be regarded as a new development opportunity, actively adapting, actively adjusting, and integrating with an open mind. Resources, joint research and development, discussion, full efforts to tackle technical bottlenecks, integration of new economy and new retail, forming a cluster effect, and pragmatic measures to help wool textiles to achieve stability.

Zhou Xiaoyang said that Jiangsu is an important wool raw material processing base and industrial cluster in China, and the wool textile industry is strong. More than 680 woolen processing enterprises above designated size in Jiangsu Province, the main business value in 2017 exceeded 120 billion yuan, and the total profit exceeded 7 billion yuan. Jiangsu is a major importer of wool. In order to break through the bottleneck of wool raw materials, it has imported a large amount of wool from Australia, New Zealand and other major wool producing countries for many years. The annual import volume accounts for about 70% of the country. In 2017, Jiangsu wool imports exceeded US$1.5 billion. In recent years, Jiangsu has actively responded to the major adjustments in the country's foreign trade development strategy, from re-exporting and light importing, to paying equal attention to both import and export, and promoting the coordinated development of import and export; from "big-in and big-out" to "excellent and superior", focusing on cultivating foreign trade. Competitive new advantages. In 2017, Jiangsu's imports exceeded US$220 billion, ranking first in the country. Jiangsu will continue to conscientiously implement the national expansion and opening up strategy, actively guide and encourage enterprises to import advanced technology equipment and key components, shortage of bulk commodities and high-quality consumer goods, and vigorously promote industrial upgrading and consumption upgrading.

Sun Huaibin introduced the impact of Sino-US trade friction on the textile industry at the meeting and how to deal with it. He said that Sino-US trade friction is in the process of escalating, and there are textiles in the list of US and Chinese counter-measures. Sino-US trade friction will inevitably lead to our core concern, and the impact of Sino-US trade friction on China's textile industry needs to be viewed from three aspects. The impact of the first aspect should be said to be a direct impact, 200 billion US dollars plus The tax list refers to spinning, weaving and textile machinery. Industrial textiles mainly include non-woven fabrics and cord fabrics. Household textiles mainly include carpets. In terms of export value, the overall impact is limited. “Big heads” – knitting, woven, and some home textiles are not listed, but they have a serious impact on the industrial textiles and home textiles involved. The second aspect of the impact mainly comes from cotton. The United States is China's most important cotton supplier. Last year, China imported 506,300 tons of cotton from the United States, accounting for 44% of China's total cotton imports. Cotton restrictions will bring domestic high-grade. The cotton gap will expand, and the cost of raw materials for enterprises that import US cotton will increase. The third aspect of the impact is mainly that if the Sino-US trade friction continues to escalate, it will bring the consequences of orders and industrial transfer to our industry. The impact of these three aspects needs to be highly valued by us.

When talking about how to deal with it, Sun Huaibin said that the key is to do his own thing well and improve his competitiveness. There are five aspects to choose from: one is to promote the transformation and upgrading of the industry from the high-quality development proposed at the national level, the focus of development should be on improving quality and efficiency; the second is to make new changes for consumption. The contribution, consumption upgrading is the direction and motivation of industrial upgrading; the third is to deeply participate in the construction of the “Belt and Road”, because “Belt and Road” is the symbol of history and the symbol of textile, so we have the strength and responsibility to participate in the construction; We will speed up the reform of the cotton system, and at the same time, we must plant Xinjiang cotton well to improve the market competitiveness of domestic cotton. Fifth, in the context of trade friction, we will carry out civil diplomacy through various means and strengthen communication with foreign institutions and enterprises.

Zhu Yanhua, senior product manager of the cross-border financial center of the Bank of Communications, conducted an on-site analysis of the issue of corporate interest in the RMB exchange rate. He analyzed: "From the internal situation of China, the policy side - the equilibrium exchange rate of the renminbi in the near stage (measured from the four latitudes of labor productivity, foreign net assets, currency openness, and money supply) is currently roughly 6.5~ Between 6.7. If the RMB exchange rate rises above 6.5, the management is likely to lift all temporary restrictions. When the RMB exchange rate falls below 6.7, the corresponding policy will gradually tighten. Technically, the RMB exchange rate is the deepest this year. The point has been proven in the second quarter, and in the subsequent third and fourth quarters, the renminbi may fluctuate around the equilibrium exchange rate, which is between 6.65 and 6.8. From the external dollar situation, we hope to eliminate trade barriers and tariff barriers. However, if the US tariff barriers cannot be effectively lifted, the labor costs and raw material costs of the United States may increase in the next few years, thus changing the balance of economic increment between the US private sector and government departments. In recent years, the RMB and US dollar indices have changed. The negative correlation is rapidly increasing. The end of this round of the strong dollar cycle is the starting point of the RMB appreciation channel. This day may appear in the late 2019's. "

Liu Jiaqiang analyzed the operation of the wool textile industry from January to July 2018. “From January to July, the main business income of the wool textile industry has increased, the quality of operation has declined, and the growth of product and export structure has changed. The industry is seeking to change and upgrade its development model in continuous adjustment. From January to July, The company's wool yarn output was 189,000 tons, down 7.24% year-on-year, down 16.59 percentage points from the previous year, in stark contrast to the continued growth of wool yarn production in the previous two years; the decline in wool fabric production was further Expanded, the cumulative output from January to July was 240 million meters, down 17.55% year-on-year. There are many reasons for the large decline in the output of woolen products, mainly due to changes in the statistical caliber of the Bureau of Statistics, as well as the demand and prices of raw materials and products for import and export. The change and the polarization of wool textile enterprises are also one of the reasons. From January to July, the wool textile industry was basically stable, production was adjusted, the domestic sales situation was stable and the external demand growth slowed down. In the second half of the year, faced with a complicated external situation, Trade friction increases the uncertainty of the stable development of the industry. The export pressure of the wool textile industry will increase in the second half of the year, but considering the exchange rate factor and the progress of trade friction, The magnitude of the slowdown is more limited. Base growth in domestic consumption market has weakened, domestic demand growth is expected in the second half compared with the current level of hard to have room for improvement. "

The chairman of the International Wool Textile Organization Information Committee and the famous wool economics expert, Wilcox, described the price of Merino wool in a more than two-year period. He said that in the past two years, the trend of the merino wool market has been unprecedented. In the 26 years since he started his career, he has never seen such a strong demand just in time for such low production and supply. The result is the current high price. All models of merino wool benefit from the current super cycle, the price is close to the highest level in history, and the unusual performance of both ends of the supply and demand triggered an important factor in the current Merino super cycle. Looking ahead to the next market trend in 2018, he said that the market is complex and volatile. At present, the low production and low supply of Australian wool may support the wool price level in the next six months or longer, but the real The question is, can demand continue, and there is a danger of falling demand?

He believes that Sino-US trade frictions and increasingly tense US-European trade relations are a risk to the global economic development. At the same time, the rise in US dollar interest rates may curb US economic growth, weaken consumer confidence and lead to a decline in the retail index; In addition, the price of merino wool has remained high for a long time, whether there will be resistance factors within the wool textile industry, and whether downstream processing enterprises and garment weaving manufacturers will continue to go underground, these problems are still unknown. But what is certain is that the long-term low price of hybrid hair may attract manufacturers to develop new products and increase the market demand for hybrid hair. He said that the current global wool market is in a very delicate period, and the supply and demand situation is relatively balanced, especially for merino wool. However, a little bit of wind and grass may cause the wool market to tilt in either direction.

Yang Shaoxiong’s speech entitled “Building a Community of Destiny in the Woolen Textile Industry” aroused the resonance of the participants at the scene. In her view, all woolen people have the same industry fate. Only mutual respect, mutual trust, mutual exchange and mutual benefit can promote the sustainable development of the wool textile industry. Yang Xiongxiong said: "Let more consumers love wool and use wool products. It is the social responsibility of the wool industry practitioners and the Nanjing wool market. In recent years, the Nanjing wool market has been environmentally friendly, honest, and opened up the industry chain. Financing, talent training and other aspects continue to exert strength, 'building a community of destiny in the wool textile industry' will also become the theme of the market in the next few years. I believe that the future wool textile industry is bound to have an open innovation and inclusive development prospects."

In analyzing the market, Yang Shaoxiong said that this year Merino fine hairs all the way up, and under its driving, the cashmere price is also rising all the way, fine hair and cashmere blending become the mainstream. This year, the national wool market is also rising, the quality of fine wool sheep is better year by year, the herdsmen raising sheep are more standardized, and after careful and unified sorting, the washing rate of 66S national wool is generally above 50%. From the fabric market, the sheep shearing market started in July this year, the raw material input is not as good as last year; the quality of wool used on both sides will be lower than in previous years; this year's sports wool clothing is a new highlight. The diversification of fabrics and finished products has made the demand for raw materials more diversified. Special fibers are still in short supply. Among them, mohair and alpaca are in tight supply and sales are better. She analyzed that overall, there is no particularly hot spot in the finished products of this year's market, and everyone is able to re-divide the market in innovation. In terms of raw materials, the fine hairs are not bearish because of the reduced drought production in Australia and the lack of domestic stocks. There is still demand in the middle coarse hair, but the 56S is as strong as no new product, and it is expected that it will be difficult to improve in the next 1-2 years.

Since the beginning of this year, the Nanjing wool market of the Secretariat of the Mao Mao Professional Committee has continued to promote the integrity certification work, and conducted “2017/18 annual review” for honest enterprises. No unfair behavior was found, and 18 credit enterprises were added. At the meeting, the newly-established enterprise awarded the certificate of the Nanjing Wool Market Integrity Enterprise of the Raw Wool Professional Committee of the China Wool Textile Industry Association in 2017/2018.

In addition, since the official launch of the O2O e-commerce platform in Nanjing wool market in 2017, after a year of operation, it has played a positive role in promoting the steady growth of foreign trade and the transformation of kinetic energy. The Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Commerce solicited the opinions of the relevant departments such as customs, national tax, foreign exchange management, credit insurance and finance, and after reviewing and publicizing, it was determined that the investment platform was the Nanjing foreign trade comprehensive service pilot enterprise. At the meeting, Zhuang Yan, deputy secretary of the Nanjing Municipal Committee of Commerce and Industry, awarded the “Tianjin Foreign Trade Comprehensive Service Pilot Enterprise” to the Nanjing Wool Market Chairman Yang Shaoxiong.

At the 10th International Wool High-Level Forum held in the afternoon, the guests discussed the exchange rate, brand, environmental protection, entry and exit inspection and quarantine issues closely concerned by the current enterprises from the policy and market level, and conducted face-to-face communication with the representatives of the enterprises. .

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